On approval of the Rules for compensation for harm (damage) caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 19, 2014 No. 1358

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 62) of Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 "On Civil Protection", the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY RESOLVES:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for compensation for harm (damage) caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character.

      2. This Resolution shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. Massimov

by the Resolution
of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 19, 2014 No.1358

for compensation for harm (damage),
caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character

1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for compensation for harm (damage) caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character (hereinafter-the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 62) of Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 "On Civil Protection" and shall determine the procedure for compensation for harm (damage) caused to the health and property of an individual as a result of an emergency situation of natural character.

      2. The requirements of these Rules do not apply to temporary buildings, household and other buildings that are not related to real estate objects in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on architectural, urban planning and construction activities, as well as illegally built objects, valuable clothing, luxury items or manufactured from precious metals, items of artistic value, as well as property, which at the time of occurrence of emergency situations was the object of insurance shall be subject to compensation in the manner prescribed by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the expense of the insurer.

2. The procedure for compensation for harm (damage),
caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character

      3. Compensation for harm (damage) caused to the victims due to emergency situations of natural character shall be carried out within the limits necessary to meet the minimum needs of the victims in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the expense of the budgetary funds of local executive bodies provided for the elimination of consequences of emergency situations of natural character in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and/or at the expense of organizations, voluntary contributions from citizens, funds and public associations, other sources that do not contradict the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. Victims who have suffered harm to their health as a result of an emergency situation of natural character shall be provided with medical assistance by healthcare organizations within the guaranteed volume of free medical care in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare.

      5. Victims who have suffered material damage, within thirty calendar days from the date of occurrence of the emergency situation shall submit an application for compensation for material damage, completed in the form according to Appendix 1 to these Rules to the local executive body.

      6. If it is impossible for the victim to apply personally, his/her relatives or other persons on the basis of a power of attorney, as well as legal representatives if the victim is a minor, may apply for compensation for the harm (damage) caused.

      7. The application for compensation for the damage caused shall be accompanied by:

      1) a copy of an identity document of the injured person (in cases of loss or destruction of such a document due to an emergency situation of natural character, or during the liquidation period of an emergency - a temporary identity card issued by the internal affairs bodies);

      2) a list of the lost and/or damaged property of the victim since the occurrence of an emergency situation of natural character or during the liquidation period of an emergency.

      8. Registration of applications and documents shall be carried out by the local executive body in the register of applications for compensation for material damage in the form, according to Appendix 2 to these Rules, with the issuance of a receipt to the victim confirming the acceptance of documents.

      9. An application for compensation for material damage shall be considered within fifteen working days from the date of receipt by the local executive body of the documents specified in paragraph 8 of these Rules.

      10. The local executive body, within ten working days from the date of registration of an application shall organize an assessment of the amount of damage caused by the appraiser. At the same time, the costs associated with the organization of an assessment shall be borne by the local executive body.

      11. Determining the amount of harm (damage) caused to the property shall be carried out with participation of the victim and the appraiser.

      12. Organization of assessment of the amount of damage caused includes the following steps:

      1) selection of an appraiser by the victim;

      2) determining the time and place of assessment conducting in agreement with the victim;

      3) conducting of assessment of the damaged property;

      4) familiarization of the victim with the assessment report.

      13. The amount of compensation for harm (damage) shall be determined based on the expenses necessary for the restoration (repair) of damaged property, and/or the amount of property markdown due to its damage or the value of lost property at market prices in force in the area at the time of compensation for harm (damage), taking into account markdown of the lost or damaged property. Expenses for the restoration (repair) of damaged property shall be confirmed by an estimate or cost estimate for its restoration.

      14. Property shall be considered destroyed if its restoration is technically impossible or economically unjustified. Restoration of property shall be considered economically unjustified if the expected expenses for the restoration of property exceed eighty percent of its market value on the day the damage occurred.

      15. After the conclusion of the appraiser within three working days, the local executive body shall make a decision on allocation of funds, agreed with the authorized body for the execution of the budget of the region, city of republican significance, the capital, district and city of regional significance.

      Payment shall be made to the victims within thirty calendar days after the adoption of the relevant decision.

      16. After the compensation of the caused (harm) damage, a corresponding entry shall be made in the register of applications for compensation of the harm (damage) caused indicating the date, amount of the compensated harm (damage) and the number of the payment document.

      17. In case of disputes, issues of compensation for harm (damage) shall be resolved in the court in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for
compensation for harm (damage)
caused to the victims due to
emergency situations of natural
To whom _________________________
(Full name (if any)
of the chairman of the commission
for assessment and compensation
of property damage)
from _______________________
(full name (if any) of the resident
tel. ________________________

on compensation for material harm (damage)

      I hereby request you to compensate me for the harm (damage) caused in connection with _______________________________________________________________

      (specify the nature of the event)

      I hereby request you to compensate for the harm (damage) caused to the address: ____________________________


      (region, district, city, residential address)

      Bank institution No. ________________________________________________________

      Branch No. _______________________________________________________________

      Personal account or card account ______________________________________________

      addressed _______________________________________________________________

      (full name (if any)

      IIN of the recipient No. _____________________________________________________

      I am enclosing the following documents with my application:

      1. _______________________________________________________________

      2. _______________________________________________________________

      3. _______________________________________________________________

      4. _______________________________________________________________

      5. _______________________________________________________________

      "_______" _________ 20____ Applicant

      _______________________________ FULL NAME. (if any)

      (date) (month) (year) signature

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for
compensation for harm (damage)
caused to the victims due to
emergency situations of natural

Log of registration of applications
on compensation for material harm (damage)


FULL NAME. (if any) of the victim as a result of an emergency situation of natural character

Date of receipt, No.

Address of residence

Reason for compensation for harm (damage) (brief description of the place, time and type of emergency situation)

Amount of material harm (damage)

No. and date of the payment order for the issued material assistance (signature of the registrar)