On Approval of the Rules for Fingerprint and Genomic Registration

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 31, 2018 No. 36.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 2) of Article 31 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On fingerprint and genomic registration", the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY RESOLVES:

      Footnote. Preamble - as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      1. Approve the attached Rules for conducting fingerprint and genomic registration.

      2. This resolution shall be enforced on January 1, 2021 and is subject to official publication.

      Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
B. Sagintayev

by the Decree of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated January 31, 2018 No. 36

for fingerprint and genomic registration

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for conducting fingerprint and genomic registration (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On fingerprint and genomic registration" and shall determine the procedure for organizing and carrying out the activities of state bodies authorized to conduct fingerprint and (or) genomic registration, according to collection, processing and protection of fingerprint and genomic information, selection, storage, use, destruction of biological material, establishment or confirmation of a person's identity.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      2. The following basic concepts are used in these Rules:

      1) amplification - the process of formation of additional copies of sections of chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (hereinafter referred to as DNA);

      2) genetic profile - coded information about certain DNA fragments of a person or an unidentified corpse, which allows to establish his identity;

      3) identification by genomic information - checking for a match between the genomic profile of an identified person, an unidentified corpse according to the database of genomic information of the AIS “BPI”;

      4) collection of genomic information - actions aimed at obtaining genomic information;

      5) fingerprinting - obtaining prints of skin patterns formed by papillary lines of the nail phalanges and palmar surfaces of the hands (hereinafter referred to as prints), on material media ;

      6) identification by fingerprint information - identification by checking biometric data on the structural features of the papillary patterns of the fingers and (or) palms of the hands of an individual or an unidentified corpse according to the database of fingerprint information AIS “BPI”;

      7) collection of fingerprint information - actions aimed at obtaining fingerprint information;

      8) transfer of fingerprint or genomic information - actions aimed at the transfer of fingerprint or genomic information to an authorized state body;

      9) accumulation of fingerprint or genomic information - actions to systematize fingerprint or genomic information by entering it into the AIS “BPI” database;

      10) storage of fingerprint or genomic information - actions to ensure the integrity, statutory confidentiality and availability of fingerprint or genomic information;

      11) cross-border transfer of fingerprint or genomic information - transfer of fingerprint or genomic information to the territory of a foreign state, to an authority of a foreign state in accordance with international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      12) personal identifier - a unique identifier for linking fingerprint information in terms of biometric data on the structural features of the papillary patterns of fingers and (or) palms in the AIS “BPI”with personal data of a person within the framework of integration interactions of information systems;

      13) automated information system "Biometric Personal Identification" (hereinafter - AIS “BPI”) - an electronic information resource consisting of two subsystems, one of which with fingerprint information in an automated fingerprint information system, and the second with genomic information in an automated genomic information system;

      14) paper fingerprint card - a form of the established form containing the prints of all nail phalanges of the fingers, control fingerprints, palm prints of both hands and personal data of the fingerprinted person in accordance with the requirements of these Rules;

      15) a centralized automated database of the penitentiary (penal) system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – CADPS MIA RK) - an information system for recording the movement of persons held in pre-trial detention centers , institutions of the penitentiary (penitentiary) system, as well as those registration in the probation service ;

      16) verification - confirmation of identity by checking for a match between the papillary patterns of the fingers and (or) palms of the hands of an individual with his fingerprint information placed in an identity document or in the AIS “BPI” database;

      17) competent state bodies - state bodies that have established by law, the competence to use fingerprint and (or) genomic information in the framework of their activities;

      18) microchip (chip with contact or contactless interfaces) - an electronic carrier of information about the owner of an identity document placed inside this document ;

      19) polymerase chain reaction (hereinafter - PCR) - an experimental method of molecular biology, which allows to achieve a significant increase in low concentrations of certain DNA fragments in biological material;

      20) kit for sampling biological material from living persons - a kit with a special sterile single-use carrier card that meets the requirements of these Rules for sampling, storage and transportation of biological material;

      21) information and production system "Population Documentation System" (hereinafter - IPS “PDS”) - an electronic information resource intended for documenting individuals and registering migration flows within the country, generating IIN for persons registered in the system for the first time; provides information interaction with the integration part of the state database "Individuals" and the information system "Registers of acts of civil status";

      22) electronic fingerprint card - a fingerprint card in electronic digital form.

      3. In the implementation of fingerprint registration, within their powers, participate:

      internal affairs bodies;

      authorized state body in the field of foreign policy;

      located abroad, as well as consular offices of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

      authorized state body in the field of transport;

      national security agencies.

      4. In the implementation of genomic registration, within their powers, participate:

      bodies of inquiry , investigation;

      forensic examination bodies;

      individuals carrying out forensic activities on the basis of a license (hereinafter referred to as licensees);

      institutions of the penitentiary (penitentiary) system;

      probation services ;

      operational and forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

      Chapter 2 in terms of fingerprint registration is suspended until 01.01.2024 by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2023 No. 141.

Chapter 2. Carrying out fingerprint registration

      5. The internal affairs bodies collect fingerprint information:

      1) citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have reached the age of sixteen when applying for the first time, as well as in cases of restoration, replacement:

      passports of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

      identity cards of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) children aged from twelve to sixteen years old when applying for a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner prescribed by paragraph 10 of these Rules;

      3) foreigners and stateless persons:

      applied for obtaining a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      those who arrived in the Republic of Kazakhstan as domestic workers to perform work (render services) for employers - individuals in the household;

      when applying for a visa of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      when applying for the first time, as well as in cases of restoration, replacement:

      residence permit of a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      certificates of a stateless person;

      refugee certificates;

      travel document.

      Footnote. Paragraph 5 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      6. The authorized state body in the field of foreign policy activities collects fingerprint information:

      1) citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have reached the age of sixteen, as well as children aged twelve to sixteen years in the manner prescribed by paragraph 10 of these Rules, upon registration passports a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan in foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) foreigners and stateless persons when applying for visas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      7. Bodies of internal affairs, national security collect fingerprint information of foreigners and stateless persons who are expelled from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international treaties on readmission ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      8. Fingerprint registration of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons in respect of whom a decision has been made to issue a certificate identity of a seafarer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out by the authorized state body in the field of transport in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      9. The collection of fingerprint information includes obtaining biometric data on the structural features of the papillary patterns of the ten fingers of both hands and (or) the palms of both hands of a person by fingerprinting and entering into the appropriate information system personal data established by these Rules. At the same time, the personal data of a person who has undergone fingerprint registration is associated with a personal identifier with his biometric data on the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers and (or) palms of both hands in the AIS “BPI”.

      10. The collection of fingerprint information from children aged twelve to sixteen years old, when applying for a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out with their consent and is carried out in the presence and on the basis of a written application of the legal representative of the child, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules, upon presentation to them an identity document and a document confirming the authority of the legal representative.

      11. The collection of fingerprint information from a person subject to fingerprint registration, whose incapacity has been established by the court, is carried out in the presence and on the basis of a written application of his guardian, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules, upon presentation of an identity document and a document confirming the powers of the guardian .

      12. The collection of fingerprint information of persons is carried out at the registration points “Documentation and registration of the population”, “Documentation and registration of foreigners” of the migration service units, units of the migration service of the internal affairs bodies, national security bodies, foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      In the event that a person subject to fingerprint registration, located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, does not have the opportunity to personally appear for fingerprinting due to health problems with a persistent disorder of body functions, which led to the loss of the ability to self-service, independent movement, the employee collects fingerprint information with a visit according to his place of residence.

      13. Fingerprint information of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons when issuing identity documents shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document);

      2) date and place of birth;

      3) gender;

      4) nationality (at the request of the owner);

      5) citizenship;

      6) photograph;

      7) information about the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers;

      8) date of issue, document number, validity period;

      9) signature of the owner of the document;

      10) individual identification number (if any);

      11) the date and basis for the fingerprinting registration;

      12) the name of the body that issued the document;

      13) last name, first name, and patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document) of the person who performed fingerprint registration.

      When issuing a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following information shall be additionally entered:

      1) the address of the place of planned permanent residence;

      2) the name of the body considering the application for permanent residence.

      Footnote. Paragraph 13 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      14. Fingerprint information of foreigners and stateless persons when issuing visas of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document);

      2) date of birth;

      3) gender;

      4) information about the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers;

      5) citizenship;

      6) photograph;

      7) date of issue, document number, validity period;

      8) date of issue, the validity period of the visa;

      9) the date and basis for the fingerprinting registration;

      10) the name of the authority that issued the visa;

      11) last name, first name, and patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document) of the person who performed fingerprint registration.

      Footnote. Paragraph 14 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      14-1. Fingerprint information of foreigners and stateless persons when issuing a permit to a labor immigrant shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document);

      2) date of birth;

      3) gender;

      4) information about the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers and palms of both hands;

      5) citizenship;

      6) photograph;

      7) full address of the place of permanent residence;

      8) address of temporary residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      9) address of the employer;

      10) number, date of issue, the validity period of the identity document;

      11) the date of issue, the validity period of the permit of the labor immigrant;

      12) the date and basis for the fingerprinting registration;

      13) last name, first name, and patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document) of the person who performed fingerprint registration.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 14-1 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      14-2. Fingerprint information of foreigners and stateless persons expelled from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international treaties on readmission ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document);

      2) date of birth;

      3) gender;

      4) information about the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers and palms of both hands;

      5) citizenship;

      6) photograph;

      7) date of issue, document number, validity period;

      8) the date and basis for the fingerprinting registration;

      9) last name, first name, and patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document) of the person who performed fingerprint registration.

      10) date and grounds for deportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan (verdict or court decision that has entered into legal force);

      11) the date before the expiration of which the court established a ban on entry into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 14-2 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      15. Fingerprinting during fingerprint registration is carried out by specially trained employees (employees) serving (working) in authorized state bodies (hereinafter referred to as the employee).

      The organization of training of employees in fingerprinting is assigned to state bodies authorized to collect fingerprint information.

      16. The process of fingerprinting is carried out by the inkless method by scanning ten fingers or ten fingers and palms of both hands on a special fingerprint scanner or, in cases established by paragraph 18 of these Rules, by ink method on a paper form of a fingerprint card .

      17. The fingerprints of ten fingers or ten fingers and palms of both hands obtained during fingerprinting are entered into the database of the AIS “BPI”, two fingerprints of the index fingers of both hands are entered into the microcircuit of the identity document . In the absence (amputation, congenital pathology) of the index fingers (one or two), two prints of the middle or ring fingers, or two thumbs, of the best quality are entered into the microcircuit. In the absence (amputation, congenital pathology) of one hand, the best quality prints of two fingers of the existing hand are entered into the microcircuit.

      18. Fingerprinting using the ink method is used when drawing up a document on a paper form, as well as in cases where scanning of the fingers is not possible due to deformation of the joints. The received paper fingerprint card is destroyed after being entered into the IRS "PDS" by the employees of the migration service according to the act, in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules, except for the case of release face from fingerprint registration.

      19. If a registered person has open wounds and other injuries on individual nail phalanxes of the fingers that temporarily exclude their fingerprinting, as well as when the person subject to fingerprint registration has deformed joints, the collection of fingerprint information is carried out on intact or less deformed fingers. At the same time, the employee who performs fingerprint registration enters in the appropriate section of the electronic or paper fingerprint card a note on temporary damage to the nail phalanx with the exact indication of the finger and hand and warns citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the need to undergo repeated fingerprinting after treatment upon subsequent application to obtain an identity document .

      20. If a registered person, with the exception of foreigners and stateless persons, subject to deportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international agreements on readmission ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands, open wounds and other injuries that temporarily exclude their fingerprinting, collection of fingerprint information is not carried out on the basis of a doctor's certificate. The employee who performs fingerprint registration makes a note in the information system about temporary damage to the nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands and the impossibility of carrying out the fingerprinting procedure on the day of the application.

      21. If foreigners and stateless persons subject to deportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international readmission agreements ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan have open wounds and other injuries on the nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands, as well as in the absence of all fingers on both hands or papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands, fingerprinting is carried out on the palms of both hands.

      21-1. The persons specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Rules, who have previously passed fingerprint registration, shall undergo a verification procedure.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 21-1 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      21-2. Verification shall be carried out by the inkless method by simultaneously applying four fingers (index, middle, ring fingers and little finger), and then the thumbprints of the left and right hands shall be alternately applied to the slide of the fingerprint scanner. In the absence of fingers on both hands, alternately the palms of the left and right hands shall be applied.

      If the papillary patterns of the fingers and (or) palms of the hands of an individual coincide with his/her fingerprint information placed in an identity document or according to the AIS “BPI” database, a further documentation procedure goes through.

      If the papillary patterns of the fingers and (or) palms of the hands of an individual do not match with his/her fingerprint information placed in an identity document or according to the AIS “BPI” database, the individual is subject to repeated fingerprinting in accordance with subparagraph 2) of paragraph 22 of these Rules or verification measures provided for in paragraphs 126, 127 and 128 of these Rules.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by Paragraph 21-2 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      22. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons who have previously passed fingerprint registration, undergo the fingerprinting procedure again if:

      1) the collection of fingerprint information was not previously carried out due to temporary damage to ten fingers of both hands or was carried out on intact fingers due to the presence of open wounds on individual nail phalanges of the fingers and other injuries that temporarily excluded their fingerprinting;

      2) a person who has passed fingerprint registration is not recognized by the automated system according to the AIS “BPI” database due to acquired irreversible damage to the papillary patterns of the nail phalanges of the finger (for example, scars, scars due to skin diseases, significant injuries).

      23. Before fingerprinting or verification, the hands of the registered person shall be examined for open wounds, cleanliness and dryness of the hands.

      If a registrant has:

      open wounds, the actions provided for in paragraphs 19, 20 and 21 of these Rules shall be carried out;

      significant contamination of the hands, an opportunity shall be provided for their elimination by processing with sanitary and hygienic means.

      When fingerprinting, the following requirements shall be met:

      rolling the fingers of the registered person uniformly without slipping over the surface of the slide of a fingerprint scanner, a painted metal or glass plate for rolling paint (hereinafter referred to as Plates) and on a fingerprint card;

      using a clean roller and plates.

      Footnote. Paragraph 23 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      24. An electronic or paper fingerprint card is filled out in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules. A paper fingerprint card is filled in block letters with a ballpoint pen with black, dark blue or purple ink.

      25. Fingerprinting of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons when issuing identity documents , foreigners and stateless persons when issuing visas of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by scanning ten fingers in the following order:

      1) rolled prints from the first to the tenth finger, starting with the thumb of the right hand and ending with the little finger of the left hand;

      2) control print of four fingers (index, middle, ring fingers and little finger) of the left hand;

      3) control imprint of the thumb of the left hand;

      4) control imprint of the thumb of the right hand;

      5) control print of four fingers (index, middle, ring fingers and little finger) of the right hand.

      26. Fingerprinting of foreigners and stateless persons when issuing a permit a labor immigrant expelled from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international agreements on readmission ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out by scanning ten fingers and palms of both hands in the following order:

      1) rolled prints from the first to the tenth finger, starting with the thumb of the right hand and ending with the little finger of the left hand;

      2) control print of four fingers (index, middle, ring fingers and little finger) of the left hand;

      3) control imprint of the thumb of the left hand;

      4) control imprint of the thumb of the right hand;

      5) control print of four fingers (index, middle, ring fingers and little finger) of the right hand;

      6) imprint of the left palm;

      7) imprint of the right palm.

      26-1. The result of fingerprinting or verification shall be documented by a certificate of fingerprinting or verification in accordance with Annex 3-1 to these Rules in paper format, which shall be issued to a labor immigrant, about which the migration service officer puts a mark in the IPS "PDS".

      In the event of a discrepancy in the personal data of a person who has previously undergone fingerprinting, an employee of the migration service within two working days shall inform the departments of the internal affairs bodies concerned about the verification activities provided for in paragraphs 126, 127 and 128 of these Rules.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 26-1 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      27. For fingerprinting using the ink method, a fingerprint card form A 4 format with a rolling field size for one finger of 35x35 mm, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules, special fingerprinting ink, a roller, two plates, paint thinner or special fingerprinting kits, a fingerprinting table, wet sanitary napkins.

      28. To obtain a rolled print, the finger of the hand with the side of the nail phalanx is placed on the slide of a fingerprint scanner or a painted plate and rolled over it from one edge of the nail to the other.

      When fingerprinting with the paint method, it is necessary that the entire pad of the nail phalanx and 3-5 mm of the middle phalanx be colored. A finger covered with paint is rolled in the same way on the place allotted to it on the form of a fingerprint card to obtain a print. At the end of rolling, the employee, without releasing the finger of the registered person, lifts it up without smearing the image of the papillary pattern.

      29. Control prints are obtained by simultaneously applying four fingers (without thumbs), first of the left, then of the right hand to the slide of a fingerprint scanner or a colored plate and onto a blank paper fingerprint card. Control pressure prints of the thumbs and palms are obtained in the same way.

      30. When receiving a print from a deformed finger that cannot be straightened, the pad of the nail (upper) phalanx of the finger is stained with paint. A sheet of white paper measuring 35x35mm is applied to the nail (upper) phalanx of the deformed finger with the help of a special tray. To obtain a fingerprint, a finger is rolled over the paper with light pressure. Next, a sheet of paper with a fingerprint is glued to the corresponding place on the fingerprint card with a mandatory subsequent check of the correctness of its placement. If it is necessary to obtain palm prints of both hands, the paint is applied evenly on the palms with a roller, after which sheets of white paper 100x120 mm in size are alternately applied to the painted palms. Sheets of paper with palm prints are glued to their respective places on the fingerprint card.

      31. At the end of the fingerprinting, the correctness of their placement on the fingerprint card and the quality of each print are checked using the control prints: the completeness of rolling with the display of all the characteristic features of the papillary pattern, the absence of dirty and unprinted areas, the clarity of the display of all papillary lines, ensuring their counting with the naked eye.

      32. When fingerprinting using the ink method, the issued fingerprint card is converted into an electronic format using a flatbed electronic scanner.

      33. Persons with the following physical disabilities that exclude the possibility of fingerprinting are not subject to fingerprint registration:

      1) the absence of all fingers on both hands;

      2) the absence of papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of all fingers of both hands.

      Foreigners and stateless persons subject to deportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan or subject to international agreements on readmission ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the presence of physical defects provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2) of this paragraph, are not exempted from fingerprint registration and are fingerprinted in accordance with paragraph 21 of these Rules.

      34. The employee who collected fingerprint information, if a person has physical defects that exclude the possibility of fingerprinting, enters into the appropriate section of the electronic or paper fingerprint card notes about the absence of nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands or the absence of papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of ten fingers of both hands and enters an entry in the AIS “BPI” on the release of a person from fingerprint registration, which he certifies with his electronic digital signature.

      In the event that a person is exempted from fingerprinting registration, when fingerprinting using the ink method, a fingerprint card with appropriate marks, certified by the signature of the employee who made such a decision, is stored together with a paper form.

      35. In case of damage to the papillary lines or loss of the nail phalanges of one or more fingers, hands by a person who has previously passed fingerprint registration, fingerprint information in terms of biometric data on the structural features of the papillary patterns of ten fingers or ten fingers and palms of both hands is changed and supplemented with a new one, obtained by repeated fingerprinting.

      36. The change and (or) addition of fingerprint information is carried out by the employee on the day the person who has passed the fingerprint registration, his legal representative or guardian applies, or the fact of the presence of incorrect (erroneous) information is established.

      37. Dactyloscopic information in terms of personal data of persons who have previously passed fingerprint registration, after making changes and (or) additions, is replaced by new information, while the previous data is archived in information systems integrated with AIS “BPI”.

      38. The accumulation and storage of fingerprint information obtained as a result of fingerprint registration is carried out automatically in the AIS “BPI” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with the Rules for the formation, maintenance of databases of fingerprint and genomic information , approved by the authorized body.

      39. The storage of fingerprint information of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the AIS “BPI” database shall be carried out after the fact of his/her death is established until the date when he would have turned one hundred years old.

      Footnote. Paragraph 39 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      40. Storage of fingerprint information of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cases of declaring him missing or declaring him dead by a court, loss or exit from the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out before the date when he would have turned one hundred years old.

      41. The storage of fingerprint information of foreigners and stateless persons in the AIS “BPI” database is carried out within ten years from the date of registration. After ten years, the storage of fingerprint information is carried out for forty years on material media after its archiving.

      42. Storage of fingerprint information received by the AIS “BPI” at the request of the competent state authorities, if the term of its storage is not directly specified in the request, it is carried out until the identity of an unidentified (wanted) person or an unidentified corpse is established, after which it is deleted from the database.

      43. Fingerprint information of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons obtained during fingerprint registration is used for:

      1) confirmation and (or) identification of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons;

      2) accounting and control of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state;

      4) accounting and control of persons crossing the State Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, through the procedure of identity confirmation based on fingerprint information.

      44. The purposes of fingerprint registration are to establish and (or) confirm the identity on the basis of fingerprint information. Identification is carried out during identification using a database of fingerprint information, identity confirmation - by verifying a specific person using fingerprint information.

      45. Identification by fingerprint information of a person who has previously passed fingerprint registration is carried out in the process of documentation, as well as at the request of the competent state bodies by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

      46. Verification is carried out in the presence of a fingerprint scanner, appropriate equipment and access to read fingerprint information from biometric documents or fingerprint information of a specific person from the AIS “BPI” database.

      47. The use of fingerprint information of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons for accounting and control of persons crossing the State Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, through the procedure for verifying the identity of the fingerprint information, is carried out in the manner established by the national security authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      48. The implementation of checks on the fingerprint information of a person who has previously passed fingerprint registration, or the provision of fingerprint information of a person who has passed fingerprint registration, is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the request of the competent state bodies, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules, and sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by means of a courier communications or the Unified Electronic Document Management System in compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of information of limited access.

      49. The Ministry of Internal Affairs fulfills the request of the competent state body for verification by AIS “BPI” within five working days from the date of receipt of the request, the results are documented in a certificate in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to these Rules.

      50. The request is returned to the initiator without execution in the following cases:

      1) violation of the request form;

      2) submission by the initiator of the request of material media with low-quality fingerprint information;

      3) if the text part of the request or fingerprint (information) card is filled with violations and errors that cannot be corrected without clarification.

      51. Control over the use of fingerprint information is assigned to the heads of state bodies to which fingerprint information has been issued.

      52. Fingerprint information after the expiration of the storage period destroyed by the Ministry of the Interior under an act in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules, which is approved by the head of the unit.

      53. The following data shall be indicated in the act of destruction of fingerprint information:

      1) date, grounds for the destruction of fingerprint information;

      2) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), gender, date and place of birth, individual identification number (if any), number of the identity document of the registered person;

      3) method of destruction;

      4) last names, first names, patronymics (if it is indicated in the identity document), positions and signatures of the employees who destroyed fingerprint information.

      Footnote. Paragraph 53 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

Chapter 3. Conducting genomic registration

      54. The selection of biological material from living persons is carried out by an employee of the authorized state body using a kit for the selection of biological material that provides preservation of biological material during long-term storage, cell lysis, pathogen inactivation, DNA stabilization, protein denaturation and immobilization of nucleic acids with protection from nucleases, as well as color indication of the place of application of colorless biological fluids.

      55. The person subject to genomic registration is explained the grounds and procedure for the selection of biological material.

      56. When selecting biological material from living persons, it is not allowed to inflict pain, use means that pose a danger to human life and health.

      57. The selection of biological material from living persons includes:

      1) filling in the information cards with personal data of the person being registered and other information established by these Rules;

      2) obtaining buccal epithelium from the inner sides of the cheeks and filling in the carrier card with the personal data of the person being registered;

      3) packaging of biological material indicating on the envelope (package) the personal data of the person being registered.

      The information card for the registered person, the carrier card are filled in by the employee in block letters with a ballpoint pen with black, dark blue or purple dye.

      58. The selection of biological material is made before or one hour after eating or drinking. Before taking biological material, the registered person must rinse his mouth with water.

      When sampling biological material, contamination of the kit for sampling biological material with secretions of another person is not allowed.

      59. An employee opens the packaging of the kit for the selection of biological material from living persons in sterile disposable gloves and a mask in the presence of the person being registered and, in cases established by law, his legal representative .

      60. The selected biological material with the completed information card of the registered person is packed in a paper envelope (package), pasted over and sealed. On the front side of the envelope (package), the personal data of the person whose biological materials are packed are entered.

      At the same time, the personal data of the person in the information card, on the packaging of his biological material and on the carrier card must be identical.

      61. Biological materials are stored in an envelope at a temperature of + 16 to + 25 degrees Celsius, humidity no more than 40-45% in a dry, dark room, excluding direct sunlight.

      62. Repeated selection of biological material from individuals is carried out at the request of the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in case of poor quality initial selection.

      63. The selection of biological material from persons convicted of serious or especially serious crimes, as well as crimes provided for in Articles 120, 121, 122, 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall be carried out by employees of medical organizations located in institutions of the penitentiary)system (hereinafter referred to as the Institution), and by probation officers with the involvement of employees of the operational and forensic divisions of the internal affairs bodies to assist in sampling.

      Footnote. Paragraph 63 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 20, 2023 No. 141 (shall be enforced from January 1, 2023).

      64. Mandatory genomic registration of convicted persons is based on a court verdict that has entered into legal force.

      65. The selection of biological material from a convicted person is carried out by an employee after it has been checked by the СAD PS of the penal system for the purpose of undergoing genomic registration earlier. In the case of a conviction of a person who has previously passed genomic registration, biological material is not taken, which is noted in the СAD of the penal system.

      66. The employee who selects the biological material of convicted persons fills out the information card in accordance with Appendix 6 to these Rules, certifies it with his signature and ensures the identity of the personal data of the convicted person in the information card, on the carrier card and packaging of biological material.

      67. An information card for the biological material of a convicted person shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in an identity document), citizenship, gender, date and place of birth, information about registration at the place of residence or place of stay, individual identification number (if any) or name and number of the document, the identity document from which the data on the registered person was obtained;

      2) the name of the subdivision of the state body that selects biological material for genomic registration;

      3) the date and basis for the selection of biological material for genomic registration;

      4) the article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan under which the person was convicted;

      5) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), position and signature of the official who performed the selection of biological material;

      6) the signature of the person from whom the selection of biological material for genomic registration was made, except for a minor (if the person being registered refuses to sign the information card, an entry about this is made in it);

      7) signatures of legal representatives of minors.

      Footnote. Paragraph 67 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      68. Data on a convicted person from whom biological material has been taken are entered by an employee into the information system of the СAD PS, integrated with the AIS “BPI”.

      69. Biological material of a convicted person with an information card within three working days after registration at the Central Administrative Bureau of the Penal System is sent to the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for genomic registration.

      The territorial internal affairs bodies at the location of the probation service officers ensure the sending of biological materials of convicted persons with an information card for genomic registration to the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by courier mail or by courier at the written request of a probation officer.

      70. The head of the institution, the head of the probation service shall ensure:

      1) determination and registration of convicted persons subject to mandatory genomic registration in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On fingerprint and genomic registration";

      2) obtaining biological material in strict accordance with the requirements established by these Rules;

      3) sending an application to the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mandatory genomic registration with the application of biological material and an information card;

      4) control over the completeness, reliability and quality of the selection of biological material of convicted persons.

      Footnote. Paragraph 70 as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      71. The selection of biological material of biological relatives of missing citizens for genomic registration is carried out by the bodies of inquiry , investigation on the basis of their written application in accordance with Appendix 7 to these Rules.

      72. The selection of biological material from biological relatives of missing citizens is carried out depending on the degree of kinship. First of all, from direct blood relatives: biological parents (parent) and (or) children (child), and in their absence, blood relatives on the maternal side, men on the paternal side, siblings.

      73. The selection of biological material from a minor who is a biological relative of a missing person is carried out with his consent in the presence and on the basis of a written application from his legal representative , drawn up in accordance with Appendix 8 to these Rules, upon presentation of an identity document , and a document confirming the authority of the legal representative.

      74. Taking biological material from a person recognized incompetent by a court decision and who is a biological relative of the missing person, is carried out in the presence and on the basis of a written application of his guardian, drawn up in accordance with Annex 8 to these Rules, upon presentation of an identity document and a document confirming the authority of the guardian .

      75. An employee who selects biological material from a biological relative of a missing citizen fills out an information card in accordance with Appendix 6 to these Rules and certifies it with his signature. The personal data of the biological relative of the missing citizen in the information card, on the packaging of his biological material and (or) on the carrier card must be identical.

      76. An information card for the biological material of a biological relative of a missing citizen shall contain the following information:

      1) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in an identity document), citizenship, gender, date and place of birth, information about registration at the place of residence or place of stay, individual identification number (if any) or name and number of the document, the identity document from which the data on the registered person was obtained;

      2) the name of the subdivision of the state body that selects biological material for genomic registration;

      3) the date and basis for the selection of biological material for genomic registration;

      4) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), position and signature of the official who performed the selection of biological material;

      5) the signature of the person from whom the selection of biological material for genomic registration was made, except for a minor;

      6) the signature of the legal representative of the minor or the guardian of the person recognized as legally incompetent by a court decision.

      Footnote. Paragraph 76 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      77. A copy of the protocol of the procedural action for obtaining samples of the biological relative of the missing citizen is attached to the information card.

      78. Within three working days, if a forensic examination is not scheduled, the biological material of the biological relative of the missing citizen with an information card, copies of the statement of consent and the protocol of the procedural action is sent by the bodies of inquiry , investigation to the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain a genomic information and implementation of genomic registration.

      79. In cases where biological relatives of missing citizens are appointed on the basis of biological materials for forensic molecular genetic examination in the forensic examination bodies or to the licensee , genomic information is transferred to the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 103 , 104 of these Rules.

      80. Control over the reliability, completeness and quality of the selection of biological material from biological relatives of missing citizens rests with the heads of the body of inquiry , investigation.

      81. In order to carry out mandatory genomic registration, bodies of inquiry and investigation send to the operational-criminalistic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs biological material of unidentified persons seized during the pre-trial investigation for unsolved grave or especially grave crimes, as well as crimes provided for in Articles 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and unidentified corpses.

      82. The bodies of inquiry, investigation to the biological materials of unidentified persons seized during the pre-trial investigation shall fill out an information card, in accordance with Annex 9 to these Rules, which shall contain the following information:

      1) the name of the subdivision of the state body that selects biological material for genomic registration;

      2) the date and grounds for the seizure of biological materials, the number of the criminal case or the registration number in the information record book;

      3) qualification of the act, date and place of commission of the crime;

      4) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), position and signature of the official.

      A copy of the protocol of the investigative action, during which biological materials were seized (for example inspection of the scene of the incident, examination, examination) shall be attached to the information card.

      Footnote. Paragraph 82 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      83. Based on the materials of each of the criminal cases, one information card is filled out, regardless of the amount of biological material of unidentified persons seized during the pre-trial investigation.

      84. In order to carry out mandatory genomic registration of unidentified corpses in the event that a forensic molecular genetic examination has not been appointed , the bodies of inquiry and investigation send biological material from unidentified corpses to the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if it was not possible to establish the identity of the deceased (deceased) person by other means. personal identification methods.

      85. The bodies of inquiry and investigation shall attach to the biological materials of unidentified corpses an information card filled out in accordance with Annex 9 to these Rules, containing the following information:

      1) the name of the subdivision of the state body that selects biological material for genomic registration;

      2) the date and grounds for the seizure of biological materials, the number of the criminal case or the registration number in the information record book;

      3) qualification of the act, date and place of commission of the crime;

      4) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), position and signature of the official;

      5) date and place of discovery of an unidentified corpse, gender, special signs and an indication of the cause of death (if any).

      A copy of the protocol of the procedural action is attached to the information card.

      Footnote. Paragraph 85 - as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      86. Biological material selected for genomic registration is used to obtain a genetic profile by performing a forensic molecular genetic examination in the forensic examination bodies or by a licensee, as well as conducting a molecular genetic study by the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with approved methods.

      87. The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall obtain a genetic profile through the production of molecular genetic studies of biological samples:

      1) persons convicted of committing grave or especially grave crimes, as well as crimes provided for by Articles 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) by appointment of bodies of inquiry , investigation:

      unidentified persons whose biological material was seized during the pre-trial investigation , in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on unsolved grave or especially grave crimes, as well as crimes provided for by Articles 120, 121, 122, 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      unidentified corpses ;

      biological relatives of missing citizens.

      88. Obtaining a genetic profile to replenish the AIS “BPI” database is carried out by PCR on automatic devices for capillary electrophoresis and multichromic detection of fluorescently labeled PCR products using genetic markers (loci) necessary for identifying a person's identity according to the database of genomic information.

      89. In the event that the genetic profile is not obtained due to poor-quality initial sampling of biological material or its degradation, at the request of the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of the Interior, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 10 to these Rules, the convicted person or biological relative of the missing citizen is re-sampled .

      90. Forensic examination bodies and licensees accept, store, return biological material in accordance with the Rules handling objects of forensic examination, approved by the authorized state body.

      91. The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accepts biological material in accordance with the Rules for the implementation of operational forensic activities in the internal affairs bodies, approved by the authorized state body.

      92. Accounting for the incoming biological material is kept in the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in electronic form in the AIS “BPI” and on paper in the file cabinet.

      Each individual biological material of a convicted person, a biological relative of a missing citizen, an unidentified corpse is assigned an individual barcode, which is glued to the carrier card and information card.

      Each object with biological material of unidentified persons seized during the pre-trial investigation is assigned an individual barcode. All barcodes of objects are put on the information card of the corresponding criminal case.

      93. Storage of biological materials in the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out in separate rooms (hereinafter referred to as storage facilities), isolated and equipped with modern fire extinguishing equipment , security and fire alarms in the following order:

      1) biological materials on carrier cards, dried samples of blood, semen and other secretions of a person, hair, nails - in special cabinets at a temperature of + 16 to + 25 degrees Celsius, humidity no more than 40-45%, in a dark room, excluding direct sunlight;

      2) samples of bones, tissues of unidentified corpses - in freezers in compliance with the temperature regime from -20 to -80 degrees Celsius.

      94. The entrance to the vault is equipped with a metal front door with combination locks. In the presence of windows, opening metal bars are installed on them, which are locked from the inside with a lock. Gas, water and sewer pipelines should not pass through the storage of biological material.

      95. When storing biological material, constant monitoring of the temperature regime of refrigeration, freezing installations and the temperature and humidity regime of the premises is carried out.

      96. Access to the repository by unauthorized persons, including employees whose job duties do not include work with biological materials, is prohibited. The head of the operational-forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs approves the list of employees who are allowed to enter the storage of biological materials.

      97. Biological material of biological relatives of missing citizens, unidentified persons and unidentified corpses seized during pre-trial proceedings and recognized as material evidence , after conducting a study, obtaining a genetic profile and entering genomic information into the AIS “BPI” database, is returned by the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the bodies of inquiry, investigation that initiated the genomic registration, for storage in accordance with the requirements of Article 118 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      98. The biological material of convicted persons, after receiving genomic information, is destroyed by the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quarterly on a commission basis consisting of at least three employees according to an act drawn up in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules, which is approved by the head of the unit.

      The information card of the destroyed biological material is stored in electronic form in the AIS “BPI” and in paper form in the file cabinet until the expiration of the storage period for genomic information established by these Rules.

      99. The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs collects genomic information of persons subject to genomic registration and unidentified corpses obtained during the production of:

      1) molecular genetic research in the operational and forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

      2) forensic molecular genetic examinations in forensic examination bodies and licensees.

      100. The collection of genomic information includes obtaining a genetic profile and information established by these Rules.

      101. Genomic information on material media contains a genetic profile, information from the information card, as well as:

      1) the name of the subdivision of the state body that carried out the receipt of genomic information;

      2) the number of the criminal case;

      3) the number and date of the conclusion of a forensic expert or the conclusion of a specialist;

      4) the name of the biological object and the procedural status of the person whose genomic information was obtained as a result of a forensic examination or research.

      102. Bodies of forensic examination, licensees, upon written agreement with the body (person) that appointed the forensic examination, within five days after the study and drawing up the expert's opinion, send a copy of the genomic information obtained in as a result of a forensic molecular genetic examination, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 11 to these Rules.

      103. The forensic examination authorities send a copy of the genomic information to the operational and forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs via closed data transmission channels using the BPI AIS.

      104. Licensees send a copy of genomic information to the operational forensic unit of the territorial body of internal affairs or the Ministry of Internal Affairs by special mail or present it on purpose.

      The operational forensic subdivision of the territorial body of internal affairs redirects the genomic information to the operational forensic subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by courier mail for entering into the AIS “BPI”.

      105. Change and (or) addition of genomic information of a person who has previously passed genomic registration is carried out in the following cases:

      1) change name, patronymic, surname , date of birth, nationality;

      2) sex change ;

      3) provision by a person of false information about himself;

      4) establishing the fact of the presence of incorrect (erroneous) information.

      106. Change and (or) addition of genomic information is carried out by an authorized employee of the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of:

      information from the AIS “BPI” about changes and (or) additions to the personal data of a person who has passed fingerprint and genomic registration;

      establishing the fact of incorrect (erroneous) information.

      107. Upon receipt of information about changes and (or) additions to the personal data of a person who has passed genomic registration, an authorized employee of the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within a period of no more than three working days approves the introduction of appropriate changes and (or) additions to the AIS “BPI” .

      108. When establishing the fact of incorrect (erroneous) information in the genetic profile of a person who has previously undergone genomic registration, genetic information in terms of data on the genetic profile is changed and supplemented with a new one obtained during a repeated molecular genetic study of his biological material by an authorized employee of the operational forensic unit Ministry of the Interior within three working days.

      109. Genomic information after making changes and (or) additions is replaced by new information, while the previous data are archived in the AIS “BPI”.

      110. The accumulation and storage of genomic information obtained during genomic registration is carried out by the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the AIS " BPI" in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the formation, maintenance of a database of fingerprint and genomic information, approved by the authorized body.

      111. The genomic information of a convicted person is stored from the date of genomic registration until the expiration of twenty-five years after the fact of his death is established, and in the absence of information about the death or declaring him dead by the court - until the date when he would have turned one hundred years old.

      112. Genomic information obtained during the genomic registration of unidentified persons, whose biological material was seized during the pre-trial investigation for unsolved grave or especially grave crimes, crimes provided for in Articles 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, twenty-five years from the date of genomic registration.

      113. Genomic information obtained during the genomic registration of biological relatives of missing citizens is stored until the whereabouts of the missing person is established or the criminal case is terminated due to the absence of an event or corpus delicti.

      114. Genomic information obtained during the genomic registration of unidentified corpses is stored until the identity of the deceased person is established, but not more than twenty-five years from the date of genomic registration.

      115. Genomic information obtained as a result of genomic registration is used for the following purposes:

      1) prevention, disclosure and investigation of criminal offenses, as well as identification and identification of persons who committed them;

      2) search for missing citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing or temporarily staying in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) identification of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons on unidentified corpses;

      4) establishment of family relations of wanted or established persons.

      116. Genomic information of biological relatives of missing citizens is used to identify citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless persons from unidentified corpses.

      117. The use of genomic information is carried out by identification by genomic information in the AIS “BPI” database by the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the request of the competent state authorities.

      118. The request of the competent state body is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules and sent to the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs via courier communication or the Unified Electronic Document Management System in compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of information of limited access.

      119. The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs executes the request of the competent state body within five working days from the date of receipt of the request. The results are documented in a certificate in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to these Rules.

      120. The request is returned to the initiator without execution in the following cases:

      1) violation of the request form;

      2) submission by the initiator of the request of material carriers with low-quality genomic information;

      3) if the text part of the request, information map, genomic information is filled with violations and errors that cannot be corrected without clarification.

      121. Control over the use of genomic information is entrusted to the heads of state bodies to which genomic information is provided.

      122. Genomic information obtained as a result of genomic registration is destroyed by the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which accumulates and stores it, in the following cases:

      1) expiration of the period of storage of genomic information established by these Rules;

      2) at the request of the competent state authority in connection with the establishment of:

      the identity of a person whose genomic information was obtained from biological material seized during the pre-trial investigation , the disclosure of a crime who enforced by a court verdict,

      identity of a person from an unidentified corpse,

      the location of the missing citizen or the termination of the criminal case due to the absence of an event or corpus delicti;

      3) justification of a person subjected to genomic registration after his conviction, at the request of a competent state authority.

      123. Genomic information shall be destroyed by authorized employees of the operational and forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan under an act approved by the head of the division, indicating:

      1) dates and grounds for the destruction of genomic information;

      2) registration number of genomic information;

      3) last name, first name, patronymic (if it is indicated in the identity document), gender, date and place of birth, individual identification number (if any), number of the identity document of the registered person;

      4) method of destruction;

      5) last names, first names, patronymics (if they are indicated in the identity document), positions and signatures of officials who carried out the destruction of genomic information, and the name of the authorized unit.

      The act of destroying the genomic information of an unidentified corpse shall indicate the name of the body of inquiry, the investigation and the official who initiated the genomic registration, the number of the criminal case, the qualification of the act, the date and place of discovery of the unidentified corpse.

      Footnote. Paragraph 123 - as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      124. The genomic information of an acquitted person subjected to genomic registration after his conviction shall be destroyed at the request of the competent state authority no earlier than one year after the court's verdict of acquittal enters into legal force.

      125. The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within ten days from the date of receipt of the request from the competent state body, destroys the genomic information in the AIS “BPI”, which is notified in writing to the body that sent the request.

      Chapter 4 in terms of carrying out fingerprint registration is suspended until 01.01.2024 by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2023 No. 141.

Chapter 4. Carrying out blocking, removal of blocking, depersonalization, removal of depersonalization, transfer of fingerprint and (or) genomic information

      126. When a person who has passed dactyloscopic and (or) genomic registration, or his legal representative , guardian or authorized state body applies for a violation of the conditions for collecting, processing fingerprint and (or) genomic information, as well as identifying such a fact, the operational forensic unit of the Ministry Internal Affairs on the day of receiving an appeal or revealing such a fact, fingerprint and (or) genomic information is blocked.

      Blocking of fingerprint and (or) genomic information is carried out for the period of verification activities and elimination of violations. When accessing locked data (for example, in order to extract information), a message is displayed: "data is locked".

      127. Verification measures for violations of the conditions for the collection, processing of fingerprint and (or) genomic information, which do not require obtaining information from other subjects, officials or verification on site, are carried out by the migration service and (or) the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in within five working days from the date of receipt and registration of the appeal or the discovery of such a fact.

      If it is necessary to obtain information from other entities, officials or check on the spot, verification measures for violations of the conditions for collecting, processing fingerprint and (or) genomic information are carried out within fifteen working days from the date of receipt and registration of the appeal or detection of such a fact.

      In cases where it is necessary to conduct an additional study or verification, the consideration period is extended by no more than thirty calendar days, which is reported to the applicant within three calendar days from the date of extension of the verification period.

      128. If the violation of the conditions for collecting, processing fingerprint and (or) genomic information is not confirmed, the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs removes the block and notifies the applicant or the migration service that performs the check for subsequent notification of the applicant.

      129. In case of confirmation of the fact of violation of the conditions for the collection, processing of fingerprint and (or) genomic information, the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the simultaneous removal of blocking, eliminates the illegal collection, processing of fingerprint and (or) genomic information.

      The operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall notify the applicant or the migration service that carries out the check for the subsequent notification of the applicant about the elimination of the violations of the conditions for the collection, processing of fingerprint and (or) genomic information.

      130. Depersonalization of fingerprint and (or) genomic information is carried out in order to:

      1) reducing the level of possible damage in cases of transmission of fingerprint and (or) genomic information and increasing the level of its security;

      2) in other cases established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      131. Service information containing the parameters of depersonalization methods, as well as depersonalization and depersonalization procedures, is confidential.

      132. When storing depersonalized data, separate storage of the received depersonalized data and related official information about the chosen depersonalization method and the applied parameters of the depersonalization procedure is ensured.

      133. When transmitting, together with depersonalized data, service information about the chosen depersonalization method and the applied parameters of the depersonalization procedure, the confidentiality of the channel (method) for transmitting the specified information must be ensured.

      134. The transfer of fingerprint and (or) genomic information of a person who has passed fingerprint and (or) genomic registration, including cross-border registration, to courts, law enforcement , special state bodies, enforcement proceedings, inquiries , investigations is carried out by the operational forensic unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, carrying out its accumulation and processing, on the basis of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      135. The request of the competent state body for the transfer of fingerprint and (or) genomic information of a person who has passed fingerprint and (or) genomic registration is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules.

      136. Sending (sending) material carriers of fingerprint and (or) genomic information of a person who has passed fingerprint and (or) genomic registration is carried out in compliance with the requirements provided for sending confidential information.

      137. In order to exclude the possibility of loss, distortion and unauthorized access to fingerprint and genomic information:

      employees of authorized state bodies that collect fingerprint or genomic information, select biological material and personal data of persons subject to genomic registration do not allow officials and other persons who do not have direct access to the automated workplaces of the AIS “BPI” electronic information resource to fingerprint or genomic information;

      the operational forensic division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which accumulates and stores fingerprint and genomic information, does not allow:

      1) storage of fingerprint, genomic information outside specially adapted premises for these purposes;

      2) leaving unlocked premises (offices) where access to fingerprint, genomic information, electronic information resource AIS “BPI”, information systems (electronic storage media), as well as leaving them unsealed during non-working hours;

      3) admission to the premises (workrooms) in which the fingerprint, genomic information is located (stored), unauthorized persons without the grounds established by law Republic of Kazakhstan, an officially issued one-time pass and escort of employees directly working with this information;

      4) bringing in (taking out) without issuing, in accordance with the established procedure, a material pass to the premises (offices) in which fingerprint, genomic information, visual means of observation, video, film, photographic equipment, laptops, flash cards, computing equipment, mobile communication devices (smartphones, tablets, smart watches, etc.) equipped with Internet modules, photo and video cameras, radio engineering and other equipment;

      5) transfer of fingerprint, genomic information for temporary use to officials and other persons who do not have direct access to this information due to the nature of their official activities;

      6) introduction without grounds of change and (or) addition to the fingerprint, genomic information of registered persons and its use, blocking, depersonalization, removal of blocking, removal of depersonalization;

      7) destruction of dactyloscopic, genomic information without grounds and execution of relevant documents;

      8) issuance through open communication channels (telephone, modem, fax, Internet, and others) of certificates of citizens who have passed fingerprint, genomic registration, as well as the production of checks and the issuance of information about them in written or oral form at unofficial requests from officials and other persons;

      9) transfer of accounting documents for temporary use to persons who are not employees, whose job responsibilities include working with fingerprint and (or) genomic information;

      10) implementation of automated accounting without providing means of control and protection against unauthorized access to automated information systems.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 1 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Беткі жағы/Front side
Құзыретті мемлекеттік орган
To the head of the competent
state body
(лауазымы, аты-жөні,
last name and initials)
20____ . "___" ____________/
"___" ____________ 20____


      Мен, тегі/I, last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Аты Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|

      Әкесінің аты (болған кезде)/Patronymic (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Туған күні/Date of birth |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__|күні/date айы/month жылы/year

      Азаматтығы/Citizenship _________ Жынысы/Gender ____

      Туған жері/Place of birth __________________________________________________________

      Тұрғылықты жері немесе болатын жері бойынша тіркелгені туралы мәлімет/

      Information about registration at the place of residence or at the place of stay _________________

      ____________________________ | ________________________________

      ЖСН/IIN __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Құжаттың түрі/Type of document


      (құжаттың нөмірі немесе сериясы, кім берді, берілген күні/

      number or series of the document issued by whom, date of issue)

      негізінде заңды өкіл/қамқоршы болып табыламын:/being the legal

      representative/guardian based on:

      link to the document, court decision, power of attorney)

      Сыртқы жағы/Reverse side

      Тегі/Last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Аты/Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|

      Әкесінің аты (болған кезде)/Patronymic (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Туған күні/Date of birth |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__|

      күні/date ай/month жыл/year

      Туған жері/Place of birth __________________________________________________________

      ЖСН (болған кезде)/IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |

      Құжаттың түрі/Type of document ___________________________________________________


      ((құжаттың нөмірі немесе сериясы, кім берді, берілген күні/

      Number or series of the document issued, the date of issue)

      Қазақстан Республикасы азаматының жеке куәлігін немесе паспортын алу үші

      дактилоскопиялық ақпаратты жинауды жүзеге асыруды сұраймын/

      I hereby ask you to collect fingerprint information to obtain an identity card or passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


      (заңды өкілінің, қорғаншының қолтаңбасы)/

      (signature of legal representative/guardian)

      |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__|

      күні/date айы/month жылы/year

      Заңды өкілі/қамқоршысы әрекет етуге негіздеме болатын құжаттың көшірмесі/

      A copy of the document based on which the legal representative/guardian acts

  Annex 2
to the Rules for
Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration
  Approved by the

      Footnote. Annex 2 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Approved by the
Head of the authorized division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs _______________________ _
(last name, initials)
"___" _______ ___ 20___

Head of the authorized division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

      № _                                                       (last name, initials)

      "___" _______ ___ 20___

      The act of destroying fingerprint/genomic information/biological material

      (delete the unnecessary)

      No. ________ "_____" ________ 20__

      Commission consisting of Chairman _______________________________________________

      (position, last name, initials)

      and members of the commission:

      1. ___________________________________________________________________________

      (position, last name, initials)

      2. ___________________________________________________________________________

      (position, last name, initials)

      drew up this act that they destroyed fingerprint/genomic

      information/biological material (delete the unnecessary) of the following persons:


      Full name(if any), date of birth, IIN (if any),

      of unidentified persons whose biological material was seized during the pre-trial

      the investigation, in criminal case No.:


      of an unidentified corpse: in the criminal case

      No. __________________________________________________________________________

      of a biological relative of the missing citizen in criminal case No. ____


      FULL NAME(if any), date of birth, IIN (if any)

      Fingerprint card number/genetic information card number:


      Grounds for destruction __________________________________________________________

      Method of the destruction of fingerprint/genomic information/

      biological material ______________________________________________________________

      Annex (for biological material): information card No. _________________________________


      (last name, initials, position and signature)


      (last name, initials, position and signature)

  Annex 3
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 3 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Front side
of the fingerprint card


      Тегі/Last Name|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Аты/Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|

      Әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/

      Patronymic (if indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|

      Азаматтығы/Citizenship |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Жынысы/Gender: |__| Ер/Male |__| Әйел/Female

      Туған күні/Date of birth Date/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__|Жылы/Жылы |__|__|__|__|

      Туған жері/Place of birth |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__||__|__|__|__

      |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Тіркелген немесе болатын жері туралы мәліметтер/

      Information about registration or residence |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      ЖСН (бар болса)/IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|

      Жеке басын куәландыратын құжаттың атауы мен нөмірі/

      Name and number of identity document |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|

      Берілген күні/Date of issue Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Year |__|__|__|__|

      Кім берген/Issued by |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|


1. Бас бармақ/Thumb

2. Сұқ саусақ/Index finger

3. Ортаңғы саусақ/Middle finger

4. Атаусыз саусақ/Ring finger

5. Шынашақ/Little finger

      Бүктеу сығызы/The inflection line СОЛ ҚОЛЫ/LEFT HAND

6. Бас бармақ/Thumb

7. Сұқ саусақ/Index finger

8. Ортаңғы саусақ/Middle finger

9. Атаусыз саусақ/Ring finger

10. Шынашақ/Little finger


      Сол қолы/Left hand                                                      Оң қолы/Right hand

      Thumb Thumb

Бас бармақ/Thumb

Бас бармақ/Thumb

      Дактилоскопиялаудан өткен адамның қолтаңбасы/Signature of the fingerprinted person

      The reverse side of the fingerprint card


      Сол қолы/Left hand Оң қолы/Right hand

      Тіркеуге негіздеме/Reason for registration ______________________________

      Қызметкердің Т.А.Ә. (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе),

      лауазымы/Full name(if it is indicated in the identity document),

      position of the employee |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Қызметкердің қолтаңбасы/Signature of employee ___________________________

      Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Year |__|__|__|__|

  Annex 3-1
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration

      Footnote. The rules are supplemented by Annex 3-1 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09/22/2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

CERTIFICATE on the passage of fingerprinting or verification of a labor immigrant

      Given to _____________________________________________________________________

      (Full name(if it is indicated in the identity document), date of birth) _____________________________

      Citizenship __________________________________________________________________________

      Gender _____________________________________________________________________________

      Information about the place of temporary residence __________________________________________

      Name of the internal affairs body _________________________________________________________

      Fingerprinting/verification was carried out by ________________________________________________

      (position, rank, Full name_________________________________________________________________

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) of the employee) _____________________________________


      (date of fingerprinting) (signature of the employee) Place of seal (if any)

      The certificate is valid upon presentation of a national passport

  Annex 4
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 4 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

      Ministry of Internal Affairs

Query on the database of the automated information system


      (indicate the reason and grounds for the request concerning the norm of the law)

      please: (tick as appropriate)

submit a copy of the fingerprint/genomic information (strike out the unnecessary) of the following person:

      last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|,

      first name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|,

      patronymic (if it is specified in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|,

      date of birth |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__|,

      day month year place of birth __________________________________________________,

      information about registration at the place of residence or place of stay ___________________________________________,

      IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|;

check the database the attached fingerprint/genomic information of an unidentified person or an unidentified corpse.

      (strike out what is not necessary) Provided information ________________________________________________

      fingerprint/genomic information in electronic or paper form

      The official initiating the request ________________________________________

      (last name, initials, position and signature of the initiator)

      "____" _____________ 20____ .


  Appendix 5
to the Rules for conducting
and genomic registration
of the state body,
full name of the official)

      ______________                                     "___" ____________ 20____

The information specified in this certificate is not subject to use in making procedural decisions on criminal cases and materials on the refusal to initiate a criminal case, as well as in the production of special checks in relation to persons authorized to perform state functions, and persons equated to them.


      By request from |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| ref. No. _______________________
day month year
date of receipt |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| entry number _____________________
day month year
we inform you that by checking the database of the automated information system
"Biometric identification of the person" it was established: _______________________________________
      Addendum: _______________________________________________________________
The check was carried out by _________________________________________________
(position, surname, initials and signature of the employee)
Head of the authorized
unit of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs __________________________________________________________
(surname, initials and signature)
      "____" _____________ 20____

  Appendix 6
to the Rules for Fingerprint
and Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 6 - as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Сотталғандардың/хабарсыз кеткен азаматтардың
биологиялық туыстарының биологиялық материалдарына ақпараттық карта/
Information map to biological materials of convicts/biological relatives of missing citizens

      Тегі/Last Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Аты/Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|

      Әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/

      Patronymic name (if indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|

      Азаматтығы/Citizenship |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Жынысы/Gender: |__| Ер/Male |__| Әйел/Female

      Туған күні/Date of birth: күні/day |__|__| айы/month |__|__|жылы/year |__|__|__|__|

      Туған жері/Place of birth |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|

      Тіркелгені немесе болатын жері туралы мәліметтер/

      Information about registration or place of residence |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      ЖСН (бар болса)/IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|

      Жеке басын куәландыратын құжаттың атауы мен нөмірі/

      Name and number of identity document |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Берілген күні/Date issuance of Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__|Жылы/Year |__|__|__|__|

      Кім берген/Issued by |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Ұлты/Nationality |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Биологиялық материал алу жүргізілген күн мен негізі/Date and basis for the selection of biological material:

      Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Year|__|__|__|__|_________________________________

      Тіркеу санаты/Category of registration: |__| ауыр немесе аса ауыр қылмыстарды, сондай-ақ

      ҚР ҚК-нің 120, 121, 122, 123 және 124-баптарында көзделген қылмыстарды жасағаны үшін

      сотталған адамдар/persons convicted of committing grave or especially grave crimes, as well as crimes

      under Articles 120, 121, 122, 123 and 124 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      ____________________________ ҚК-нің адамды соттауға негізболған баптары көрсетілсін/Indicate

      the articles of the Criminal Code under which the person was convicted __________________|__| хабарсыз

      кеткен азаматтың биологиялық туыстары/biological relatives of the missing citizen

      Биологиялық материал алынған адамның қолтаңбасы/Signature of the person from whom the biological material was taken


      Заңды өкілдің/қорғаншының қолтаңбасы/Signature of legal

      representative/guardian ____________________________________________________________

      Қызметкердің қолтаңбасы/Signature of the employee ________________________________

      Т.А.Ә. (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/

      Full name(if it is indicated in the identity document), лауазымы/position

      Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Год |__|__|__|__|

  Annex 7
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 7 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Анықтау/тергеу органының бастығына/
To the head of the body of inquiry/investigation

Геномдық тіркеуден өтуге өтініш/Application for genomic registration

      Мен/I, тегі/last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      аты/name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|,

      әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      азаматтығы/citizenship|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      жынысы/пол: |__| ер/male |__| әйел/female,

      туған күні:/date of birth: күні/date |__|__| айы/month |__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

      туған жері/place of birth|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      тіркелгені немесе болатын жері туралы мәліметтер/information about registration

      or place of residence|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      ЖСН (бар болса)/IIN (if any)|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      жеке басты куәландыратын құжаттың атауы мен нөмірі/name and number of the identity document


      берілген күні:/date of issue: күні/date |__|__| айы/month|__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

      кім берді/issued by: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,


      хабарсыз кеткен туысымды іздеуді жүзеге асыру үшін геномдық тіркеуден өтуге

      (биологиялық материалды алуға және геномдық ақпаратты пайдалануға) келісім

      беремін/I hereby agree to undergo genomic registration (selection of biological material and

      use of genomic information) to search for a missing relative:

      тегі/last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      аты/first name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      туған күні/date of birth: күні/date |__|__| айы/month |__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

  Annex 8
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
  Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 8 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Анықтау/тергеу органының бастығына/
To the head of the body of inquiry/investigation

Геномдық тіркеуден өтуге өтініш/Application for genomic registration

      Мен/I, тегі/last name|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      аты/first name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      ЖСН/IIN |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|, құжат түрі/document type


      (құжат нөмірі немесе сериясы, кім берген, берілген күні)/(number or series of the document, issued by whom, date of


      being the legal representative/guardian based on:_________________

      (құжатқа, соттың


      шешіміне, сенімхатқа сілтеме) (link to document, court decision, power of attorney)

      негізінде заңды өкілі/қорғаншысы бола отырып, өзім заңды мүдделерін білдіретін

      мына адамның геномдық тіркеуден өтуіне (биологиялық материал алуға және

      геномдық ақпаратты пайдалануға) келісім беремін/I hereby consent to the passage

      genomic registration (selection of biological material and the use of genomic

      information) by a person whose legitimate interests I represent:

      тегі/last name |___|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      аты/first name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|___|__|__|__|__|__|,

      азаматтығы/citizenship |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      жынысы/gender: |__| ер/male |__| әйел/female,

      туған күні/date of birth: күні/date |__|__| айы/month |__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

      туған жері/place of birth |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|


      тіркелгені немесе болатын жері туралы мәліметтер/information about registration

      or place of residence |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      ЖСН (бар болса)/IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      Жеке басын куәландыратын құжаттың атауы мен нөмірі/Name and number of the

      identity document |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      берілген күні/date of issue күні/dte |__|__| айы/month |__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

      кім берген/issued by |__|__|__|__|__|__|, ұлты/nationality |__|__|__|__|__|,

      Сыртқы жағы/Reverse side

      хабарсыз кеткен туысты іздеуді жүзеге асыру үшін/for searching without

      to guide a missing relative:

      тегі/last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      аты/first name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|,

      туған күні/date of birth: күні/date |__|__| айы/month |__|__|

      жылы/year |__|__|__|__|,

      ЖСН (бар болса)/IIN (if any) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|.

      хабарсыз кеткен адам мен заңды мүдделерін білдіретін адамға туыстық дәрежесі

      бойынша/missing person according to the degree of kinship to the person whose legitimate interests I represent::

      |__| әкесі/father |__| анасы/mother

      |__| ұлы/son |__| қызы/daughter

      |__| туған ағасы, інісі/brother |__| туған апасы, қарындасы, сіңлісі/sister

      анасы жағынан қандас туысы/blood relative on the maternal side:

      |__| атасы/grandfather |__| әжесі/grandmother |__| тәтесі/aunt |__| анасының ағасы,


      әкесі жағынан қандас туысы/blood relative on the paternal side:

      |__| атасы/grandfather |__| әкесінің ағасы, інісі/uncle |__| немере ағасы/cousin

      Заңды өкілдің/қорғаншының қолтаңбасы

      Signature of legal representative/guardian ________________________________

      Күні/Date |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Year |__|__|__|__|

  Annex 9
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
  Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 9 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Сотқа дейінгі тергеп-тексеру барысында биологиялық материалы
алынған, жеке басы анықталмаған адамдардың/танылмаған мәйіттердің
биологиялық материалдарына ақпараттық карта/Information map
to biological materials of unidentified persons whose biological material was seized
in the course of the forensic investigation/unidentified corpses

      Геномдық тіркеу үшін биологиялық материал алуды жүзеге асыратын мемлекеттік

      орган бөлімшесінің атауы/Name of the subdivision of the state body that selects biological material for genomic registration



      Биологиялық материал алу жүргізілген күн мен негізі/Date and reason for the seizure of biological materials:

      күні/day |__|__| айы/month |__|__| жылы/year |__|__|__|__|

      Қылмыстық істің нөмірі немесе ақпаратты есепке алудың тіркеу нөмірі/

      Number of the criminal case or registration number of registration information:|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__


      Әрекеттің саралануы/Qualification of act ______________________________________________________________

      kүні/day |__|__| айы/month |__|__| жылы/year |__|__|__|__|oқiғa орны /place of incident_________________________

      Танылмаған мәйіт табылған күн мен орны, жынысы, ерекше белгілері және қайтыс

      болу себебін көрсету (бар болса)/Date and place of discovery of an unidentified corpse, gender, special clues

      and reasons death (in presence):_________________________________________________________________



      Қосымша: процестік әрекет хаттамасының көшірмесі: ___ парақта.

      Attachment: a copy of the protocol of the procedural action: on ___ sheets.

      Т.А.Ә. (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/Full name(if it is indicated in the identity document), лауазымы/position

      Күні/Day |__|__| Айы/Month |__|__| Жылы/Год |__|__|__|__|

  Annex 10
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
  Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 10 - as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

___________________________ _
(мемлекеттік органның атауы,


тұлғаның Т.А.Ә./(name of the state body, full name of the official) ___________kalasy/city.20____ ж./y. "___" ____________

Сұрау салу/Request

      Геномдық тіркеуге алу үшін бастапқыда сапасыз алынуына/ескіруіне байланысты |__|

      сотталған адамның |__| хабарсыз кеткен адамның биологиялық туысының

      биологиялық материалын қайтадан алуды сұраймын/

      For genomic registration, I hereby ask you

      to re-select biological material due to its poor-quality initial selection/degradation |__|/

      convicted person |__| biological relative of the missing person:

      Тегі/Last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|

      Аты/Name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|

      Әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/patronymic

      (if indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|

      Tugan күні/Date of birth |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| күні/date айы/month жылы/year

      Азаматтығы/Citizenship _________

      Жынысы/Gender ____

      Туған жері/Place of birth ____________________________________________

      Тұрғылықты жері немесе болатын жері бойынша тіркелгені туралы

      мәліметтер/Information about registration at the place of residence or place

      of residence/________________________________________________________________

      ЖСН/IIN |__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Құжат түрі/Type of document _____________________________________________

      (құжат нөмірі немесе сериясы, кім берген, берілген күні/_____________________________

      number or series of the document, issued by whom, date of issue)

      Ақпараттық карта №/No of the information card |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Бастапқыда алу күні/Date of initial selection Күні/date |__|__| Айы/month|__|__|Жылы/year |__|__|__|__|

      Бастапқыда алуды жүзеге асырған қызметкердің деректері:/

      Data of the employee who made the initial selection: _________________________________

      Сұрау салуды дайындаған/Request prepared by ____________________________________

      (қызметкердің лауазымы, аты-жөні, тегі мен қолтаңбасы ___________________________

      /position, last name, initials and signature of the employee)

      Күні/Date |__| __| АйыMonth|__|__| Жылы/Год |__|__|__|__|

  Annex 11
to the Rules for Fingerprint and
  Genomic Registration

      Footnote. Annex 11 - as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 22, 2022 No. 720 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Ішкі істер министрлігінің


subdivision of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs

      20____ ж/y. "___" ____________ тірк./reg. №_____________________

      Молекулярлық-генетикалық сот сараптамасын жүргізген кезде алынған геномдық ақпаратқа

      ақпараттық карта/Information map to genomic information obtained in the course of forensic

      molecular genetic examination

      Сот сараптамасы органының атауы/Name of the forensic examination body

      |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_

      Сот сарапшысының Т.А.Ә. (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта

      көрсетілсе)/Full name(if it is indicated in the identity document) of the forensic expert:

      № лицензиясы/License No.:

      лицензия берілген күн/license issue date:|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      күні/day |__|__| айы/month |__|__| years/year |__|__|__|__|

      (лицензиат үшін)

      № сарапшының қорытындысы/expert opinion __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      күні/day |__|__| айы/month |__|__| жылы/year |__|__|__|__|

      Сараптама тағайындаған органның атауы/Name of the authority that

      appointed the examination: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      S Сараптама тағайындаған адамның тегі, аты, әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты

      куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе), лауазымы/last name, name, patronymic

      (if it is indicated in the document, ID), the position of the person

      who appointed the examination: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      __|__|__|__||__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Қылмыстық істің нөмірі/Number of the criminal case: __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Істің қысқаша фабуласы/Short plot of the case ___________________________________


      Қосымша/Annex: адамдардың/танылмаған мәйіттердің геномдық ақпараты ___

      парақта/genomic information ___/persons/unidentified corpses ___ sheets.

      Т.А.Ә. (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе), лауазымы/FULL NAME

      (if it is indicated in the identity document), position

Application to the information card
Turk./Reg. No. ____________
20____ ж/g. "___" _________

Геномдық ақпарат/Genomic information No. ___

      Белгілі (анықталған) адамның мәліметтері/Information of a famous (identified) person:

      Тегі/Last name |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Аты/Name |__|__|__|__||__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Әкесінің аты (егер ол жеке басты куәландыратын құжатта көрсетілсе)/

      Patronymic (if indicated in the identity document) |__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      Жынысы/Gender: |__| Еркек/Male |__| Әйел/Female

      Туған күні/date of birth: күні/day|__|__| айы/month |__|__|жылы/year |__|__|__|__|

      Есепке алу санаты/Account category|__| хабарсыз кеткен азаматтың биологиялық туысы/biological relative of the

      missing citizen

      Объектінің/адамның процестік мәртебесі:/Procedural status of an object/person:

      күдікті/suspected |__| айыпталушы/accused |__| куәгер/witness |__| жәбірленуші/victim

      Сараптама объектісінің атауы/

      Name of the object of examination|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      object No. |__|__|__|__|__|__|

      II. Генетикалық профилі:/Genetic profile: аутосомдық локустар бойынша/by autosomal loci:

























Penta D

Penta C

Penta E


      У-хромосома бойынша/by theY-chromosome:


























      Ескертпе: тізбе түпкілікті болып табылмайды, өзге де локустар бөлінген кезде толықтырылсын/Note: the list is not exhaustive, supplement when other loci are identified.

Annex to information card

тірк./reg. No. ____________

20____ ж/y. "___" _________

Геномдық ақпарат/Genomic information No. ___

      I. Сотқа дейінгі тергеп-тексеру барысында биологиялық материалы алынған, жеке басы анықталмаған адамның/танылмаған мәйіттің мәліметтері/Information of an unidentified person whose biological materials were seized during the pre-trial investigation/unidentified corpse:

      Есепке алу санаты/Category |__| сотқа дейінгі тергеп-тексеру барысында биологиялық материалы алынған, жеке басы анықталмаған адам/an unidentified person whose biological material was seized during the pre-trial investigation |__| танылмаған мәйіт/unidentified corpse

      Сараптама объектісінің атауы/Name of the object of expertise |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| __|__|__|__|__|__|__|

      object No. |__|__|__|__|__|__|

      II. Генетикалық профилі:/Genetic profile: аутосомдық локустар бойынша:/by autosomal loci:

      У-хромосома бойынша/Y-chromosome:

























Penta D

Penta C

Penta E


      У-хромосома бойынша/By Y-chromosome:


























      Ескертпе: тізбе түпкілікті болып табылмайды, өзге де локустар бөлінген кезде толықтырылсын/Note: the list is not exhaustive, supplement when other loci are identified